Real-Time Marketing Automation is a Driver of Profitability
Our preferred marketing automation tool Pardot offers multiple opportunities for automating real-time marketing activities, with Engagement Studio being the most effective and extensive one.
ReadIs it Time to Spring Clean your Account Engagement?
Now that Spring has sprung and the sunshine is finally starting to make an appearance, there is no better time to clear out your clutter and tidy up that bulging wardrobe. And your Account Engagement account is no different! We have updated our Spring Cleaning blog for 2023.
ReadDynamic lists are the secret weapon to spring clean your Pardot account
Pardot dynamic lists are an extremely useful tool to automatically build lists of prospects who fulfil certain criteria, with two obvious use cases.
ReadSalesforce Trigger Handlers Driven by Custom Metadata
Salesforce has a number of recommendations regarding best practice when writing Apex triggers. Two of these recommendations are:
ReadSalesforce Communities – Licence Types Explained…
If you are new to Salesforce Communities, it can be a little tricky getting your head around which type of community licence is right for your organisation. To start with, there are fundamentally three types of Community:
ReadCommunities for Beginners
Salesforce Communities are ideal for companies looking to enhance relationships with partners and customers, or improve internal processes with its employees. One of the great things about Community Cloud is its flexibility as you can adapt its function to fit your business needs.
ReadSalesforce Community or Website?
Salesforce Community offer you the chance to bring your live customer data into a website as well as the opportunity for your customers/ partners or indeed internal members of staff to add data into your Salesforce instance.
ReadOnly 20% Of B2B Marketers Can Tie Revenue To Live Events
It’s no surprise that a new report from Certain and Heinz Marketing shows that fewer than 20% of companies can tie event revenue back to their event budgets. Event management and tracking is a common challenge due to the combination of online and offline elements.
ReadTop Tips for Effective Form Design
One of the things I love about marketing is that there are very few aspects where there are “right” or “wrong” answers; every week we see debates on campaigns such as the recent Brewdog Pink IPA.
ReadEvent Success with Pardot
The Event Marketing 2018 Benchmarks and Trends report showed that 80% out of the 400 marketers included in the survey believed that live events are critical to their company’s success.
ReadReview your Invite Emails and Get Ready for the Event Season
Finally the cold days are gone, and we have stepped into the spring season with numerous interesting events planned for the coming months. Organising an event can take weeks or months, and preparing your promotion campaign is one of your most important tasks.
ReadNever mind the half-baked solution, what was the problem? (The X Y Problem)
As a consultant, and as a developer, one of the most useful things you can do is to take a step back. If someone asks you a question about a detail of a solution they are working on, it’s often worth finding out what problem they were originally trying to solve.