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Validate your Email Sending Domain in Account Engagement (Pardot)

Validate your Email Sending Domain in Account Engagement (Pardot)

One of the changes for Account Engagement in the Spring 23 Release is a new way to validate your email sending domain. If you’ve been using Account Engagement for a while, chances are you set up your domain during implementation and haven’t thought much about it since. So, what does this change mean and what […]

Power Up Your Events with Account Engagement

Power Up Your Events with Account Engagement

Events are a huge part of many organisations’ marketing strategies, including handling registrations and communications. Combining multiple platforms and lots of data can be a big challenge. But we can help you to level up your events with Account Engagement in no time.

How to Run a Successful Global Account Engagement (Pardot) Account

How to Run a Successful Global Account Engagement (Pardot) Account

Running any Account Engagement (Pardot) account can be a challenge, but even more so when your teams are based around the world. We helped many businesses with the implementation, day-to-day operations, and building strategy for global teams. From organisation and access to brand consistency and training, we’ve seen it all.

Files in Account Engagement (Pardot)

Files in Account Engagement (Pardot)

As with all digital platforms, it is impossible to work in Account Engagement (Pardot) without relying on files. The company logo, your latest whitepaper, or a Javascript file doing all the magic on your forms, all of these exist on the platform as files. However, we often take them for granted without thinking about how […]

Spring ‘23 Release for Marketing Cloud Account Engagement

Spring ‘23 Release for Marketing Cloud Account Engagement

  The Spring ‘23 release seems to have a bit of a running theme around maintenance and technical setup, with no updates for the marketer’s experience on the platform. One of the core values of Salesforce is trust, and this release seems to be ensuring their platform can remain a trusted tool to use. We […]

Manage your Webinar Campaigns with Account Engagement

Manage your Webinar Campaigns with Account Engagement

Integrating your webinar campaigns with Pardot allows webinars to become part of your marketing automation strategy. Download our guide to learn how you can succeed.

May 2023 Update: Opt Out Sync Behaviour

May 2023 Update: Opt Out Sync Behaviour

Based on valued feedback, you can now use the most recently updated field value as a source of truth for the prospect Opted Out field.  In the Spring’23 release, you would need to set either Account Engagement (Pardot) or Salesforce to win if there is a discrepancy between the two systems. But in the recent […]

Define Your Global Marketing Strategy with Account Engagement

Define Your Global Marketing Strategy with Account Engagement

In the last few releases, the Account Engagement product team has given us some amazing enterprise-level features for global marketing automation. We’ve seen the introduction of Einstein, External Actions and a more powerful infrastructure to back up larger datasets and complex operations. Global enterprise businesses are now choosing Account Engagement more and more. But how […]

Building bridges: The Pardot API for Marketers

Building bridges: The Pardot API for Marketers

When hearing “API” (application programming interface) crop up, you might think to go straight to your development team and leave it with them. You’re right in thinking the mechanics of how this works is very much a developer task, but it’s important as a Consultant or Account Engagement (Pardot) admin to understand the capabilities that […]

Use the new Email Builder in Salesforce Engage

Use the new Email Builder in Salesforce Engage

In the Spring ‘22  release, a new setting was added for Salesforce Engage. The new setting lets you choose which types of emails sales reps can use when sending Engage emails –  Pardot Classic or Lightning. Read on to learn more about how to enable and use it.

Track Which Marketing Campaigns Are Driving Salesforce Tasks

Track Which Marketing Campaigns Are Driving Salesforce Tasks

Salesforce Tasks have been around for quite a long time, acting as a bridge between different teams and team members. When it comes to marketing activities, a common request we had was ‘Can we see which campaign triggered our tasks?’. Up until now, we were unsure, but not anymore.

Say Goodbye to Real-Time Automation Rules

Say Goodbye to Real-Time Automation Rules

Automation Rules are one of the most powerful tools in Account Engagement (Pardot). Whether that is your lead management or opt-in process, this tool is essential to keep everything working. However, as of the Summer ’23 Release, real-time automation rules will become a thing of the past.
