Category: Salesforce

Patterns in Apex: Dependency Injection, Strategy, and Decorator

When you start out in Salesforce development, there seems to be little need for software design patterns. Perhaps because development starts with little triggers doing this and that in a few lines of code. But, as soon as the requirements, codebase, and team-size grow, then the advantages of patterns and other software engineering practices kick in. Continue reading “Patterns in Apex: Dependency Injection, Strategy, and Decorator”

Never mind the half-baked solution, what was the problem? (The X Y Problem)

As a consultant, and as a developer, one of the most useful things you can do is to take a step back. If someone asks you a question about a detail of a solution they are working on, it’s often worth finding out what problem they were originally trying to solve. Continue reading “Never mind the half-baked solution, what was the problem? (The X Y Problem)”