Category: DevOps

Philosophy, Challenges, and Opportunities of DevOps on Salesforce


DevOps on Salesforce is not simple. But why does it have to be so complex? If we go back to the beginning and think about the philosophy of DevOps, it reminds us of what we’re actually trying to achieve. It helps us to understand which scenarios demand layers of tools and processes, and which scenarios can be solved simply. It also highlights the opportunities: What can we gain by adopting these practices?

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Hear from the Best and Brightest at DevOps Dreamin’

DevOps Dreamin, the premier conference for Salesforce Developers and Architects, is coming to London this year. This time, it’s bigger and even better than its sell-out success in 2019. You should expect an impressive lineup of speakers in the Salesforce industry. Learn from the best and the brightest and meet other like-minded professionals.

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What do the diffs in a GitHub Pull Request actually tell you?

You’re reviewing a Pull Request (PR) on GitHub. You see a list of diffs from the files changed in the PR. But what, precisely, do the diffs represent? I had a model for this in my head. Recently, I was forced to realise that my model must be wrong. Reviewing a PR started me on a journey into “two-dot” and “three-dot” diffs in git. That journey updated my mental model for GitHub and I hope that it will also be a useful lesson for you when you are working with PRs on GitHub yourself.

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