Philosophy, Challenges, and Opportunities of DevOps on Salesforce

by Aidan Harding - November 09, 2022
Philosophy, Challenges, and Opportunities of DevOps on Salesforce


DevOps on Salesforce is not simple. But why does it have to be so complex? If we go back to the beginning and think about the philosophy of DevOps, it reminds us of what we’re actually trying to achieve. It helps us to understand which scenarios demand layers of tools and processes, and which scenarios can be solved simply. It also highlights the opportunities: What can we gain by adopting these practices?

In September 2022, I spoke about these topics at DevOps Dreamin’ in London. It went so well that I ended up reprising the presentation for Gearset’s DevOps Summit in November.

The Summit was recorded, so you can view it online from Gearset:

Don’t forget to check out all the other great presentations from that summit and previous ones. You’ll find introductions to DevOps, details on Gearset features like Pipelines and CPQ deployments, and more. All sorts of goodies!

My slides from the presentation are available here:

(If the animations all being on separate slides are too much, then you can get the slides without animations here:

I’m always interested to discuss these topics, so if you want to chat, then please do get in touch via email, Twitter, LinkedIn, Mastadon, or any other method that you like.

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