Author: Jason Fung

UI Test Automation Model (UTAM)

What is E2E testing?

End-to-end testing is a software testing methodology usually adopted at the final phase of the software development life cycle. Its purpose is to check entire journeys are working as expected from a user’s perspective.

By simulating user interactions with the UI, you can create consistent automated tests which focus on specific journeys in your system. An example journey could be a checkout process for purchasing items. This would simulate user interactions, from adding an item to the basket and checking out to inputting card details. These interactions can all be automated via code and periodically run against a target environment.

The benefits of these tests can help identify issues in the system where unit and integration testing are not able to help. It’s important to understand that end-to-end testing does not replace unit or integration testing, however, they are a valuable addition.

What is UTAM?

UTAM is a UI testing framework which assists with end-to-end testing. It’s based on POM (Page Object Model) which helps to decouple the test from the target webpage. UTAM ships with its own page object grammar authored in JSON, this ultimately makes it easier to read, write and maintain.

UTAM Flow Diagram

With 3 major releases each year, Salesforce is prone to changes with some critical components being updated silently. This poses a problem for E2E test automation because the tests may require updating to reflect the changes that Salesforce made even if your code under test has not changed. Since UTAM is developed by Salesforce and they are closer to the teams that provide these updates, they can maintain page objects more quickly. Therefore, if E2E testing is something you’re planning to do, UTAM would be a good option.

What about Jest?

If you’ve created LWC components, you’ll be familiar with Jest tests. It’s the default testing framework when creating a new SFDX project and it is the go-to framework that Salesforce advertises when unit testing LWC components.

Unit testing and E2E testing are different methodologies. Both are used to test your application but from different perspectives.

When Salesforce talks about ‘Jest tests’, they talk about unit testing. The code is tested directly and we assert certain functions, calculations and logic are working as expected. This differs from E2E testing, where this methodology focuses on the rendered output of the components. “Does clicking this UI button result in a toast message to display?”, “Does following this UI journey show the correct components?” – these are some example scenarios E2E testing will help ascertain.


Aidan Harding
Technology Director

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Getting Started A Simple Example

Use the below HTML snippet as an example:

    <title>Hello World!</title>
        <span class="world">🌍 🌏 🌎</span>



The JSON page object representation looks like this:

    "root": true,
    "selector": {
        "css": "body"
    "elements": [
            "name": "world",
            "selector": {
                "css": ".world"
            "public": true


If you’ve installed and set up UTAM correctly (installation guide), you should be able to run this CLI command:
utam -c utam.config.js

This will build, compile and spit out your javascript page object and the result will look something like this:

import { By as _By, createUtamMixinCtor as _createUtamMixinCtor, UtamBaseRootPageObject as _UtamBaseRootPageObject } from '@utam/core';

async function _utam_get_world(driver, root) {
    let _element = root;
    const _locator = _By.css(".world");
    return _element.findElement(_locator);

export default class UnknownPageObjectName extends _UtamBaseRootPageObject {
    constructor(driver, element, locator = _By.css("body")) {
        super(driver, element, locator);

    async __getRoot() {
        const driver = this.driver;
        const root = await this.getRootElement();
        const BaseUtamElement = _createUtamMixinCtor();
        return new BaseUtamElement(driver, root);
    async getWorld() {
        const driver = this.driver;
        const root = await this.getRootElement();
        const BaseUtamElement = _createUtamMixinCtor();
        let element = await _utam_get_world(driver, root);
        element = new BaseUtamElement(driver, element);
        return element;


You can then use this page object in your test and write the below test to assert the value within the span tags:

// Import a root page object
import HelloWorld from 'project-directory/helloWorld';

assertEmojis(async () =&gt; {
    // Load the page object
    const helloWorld = await utam.load(HelloWorld);

    // Call a UTAM-generated method to get an element.
    const worldIcon = await helloWorldRoot.getWorld();

    const emoji = await worldIcon.getText();
    assert.strictEqual(emoji, '🌍 🌏 🌎');


To run the test, in the terminal type in the below. This initialises the Webdriver IO package and runs tests with a defined name.

The power of POM and UTAM gives you flexibility if the DOM tree changes. For example, if an extra HTML element is introduced making the <span> tag 1 level deeper, you would only need to update the JSON UTAM file to reflect this extra child element; leaving the actual test the same.

An LWC Example

We’ve seen how to test standard HTML files, let’s take a look at an LWC component.

Below is a basic form that uses lightning-record-edit-form and displays 3 standard fields from the Account object.

    <lightning-record-edit-form record-id={recordId} object-api-name="Account" onsubmit={handleSubmit} onsuccess={handleSuccess}>
        <div class="slds-text-heading_small slds-p-bottom_small"><strong>Simple LWC Form</strong></div>
        <lightning-input-field field-name="Name" value={name} required="true"></lightning-input-field>
        <lightning-input-field field-name="Phone" value={phone}></lightning-input-field>
        <lightning-input-field field-name="Description" value={description}></lightning-input-field>
        <div class="slds-card__footer slds-text-align_right">


UTAM LWC Example

The JSON page object representation looks like this:

    "shadow": {
        "elements": [
                "public": true,
                "name": "recordEditForm",
                "type": "utam-sfdx/pageObjects/recordEditForm",
                "selector": {
                    "css": "lightning-record-edit-form"
    "description": {
        "author": "nebula",
        "text": ["Page Object: simpleForm"]

    "shadow": {
        "elements": [
                "public": true,
                "name": "recordEditFormEdit",
                "selector": {
                    "css": "lightning-record-edit-form-edit"
                "elements": [
                        "public": true,
                        "name": "accountName",
                        "type": "salesforce-pageobjects/lightning/pageObjects/inputField",
                        "selector": {
                            "css": "lightning-input-field:nth-of-type(1)"
                        "public": true,
                        "name": "phone",
                        "type": "salesforce-pageobjects/lightning/pageObjects/inputField",
                        "selector": {
                            "css": "lightning-input-field:nth-of-type(2)"
                        "public": true,
                        "name": "description",
                        "type": "salesforce-pageobjects/lightning/pageObjects/inputField",
                        "selector": {
                            "css": "lightning-input-field:nth-of-type(3)"
                        "public": true,
                        "name": "footer",
                        "selector": {
                            "css": ".slds-card__footer"
                        "elements" : [
                                "public": true,
                                "name": "updateButton",
                                "type": "salesforce-pageobjects/lightning/pageObjects/button",
                                "selector": {
                                    "css": "lightning-button"
    "description": {
        "author": "nebula",
        "text": ["Page Object: recordEditForm"]


We’ve added a level of abstraction, where simpleForm.utam.json looks for recordEditForm.utam.json which contain the input fields. This utilises the salesforce-pageobjects library (more on this in the next section).

Once the above page objects are compiled, simpleForm and recordEditForm javascript page objects will be available for you to call in your tests.

// Find the simpleForm component
const component = await activeTab.getComponent2('c_simpleForm');
const simpleForm = await component.getContent(SimpleForm);
const recordEditForm = await simpleForm.getRecordEditForm(RecordEditForm);
const accountName = await recordEditForm.getAccountName();
const accountNameInput = await accountName.getInput();

// Check there is already a value in the input field
expect(await accountNameInput.getValueText()).not.toBeNull();

// Find and set the Account Name and then click on the update button
await accountNameInput.setText(randomAccountName);
await(await recordEditForm.getUpdateButton()).click();

// Check the Account Name value has been updated using the highlights panel
const recordDesktop = await utam.load(RecordHomeTemplateDesktop);
const formattedText = await (await (await (await recordDesktop.getHighlights()).getRecordLayout()).waitForHighlights2()).getPrimaryFieldContent(FormattedText);

expect(await formattedText.getInnerText()).toContain(randomAccountName);


But my components aren’t that simple!

I hear you. To focus on the basics and keep the code snippets small, the examples in this blog are simple on purpose.

UTAM JS Recipes is a great place to start if you wanted to see complex examples. The repository contains tests against standard/custom components and even an example of an E2E test that’s not part of the Salesforce platform. This repository utilises a Node package called “salesforce-pageobjects” – this package is created and maintained by Salesforce and consists of all standard components you may find when interacting with the Salesforce Lightning UI. It’s best to understand which page objects are available to you before writing your own JSON UTAM representation of the DOM tree.

Let’s end-to-end test everything!

Although there are benefits to end-to-end testing outlined in this blog, it may not be wise to create E2E scripts for everything. A few reasons for this include:

  1. Complexity – some journeys can be long and difficult to test, so ensuring key interactions between them can be time consuming and difficult to manage.
  2. Cost – although UTAM can help reduce maintenance burden, there is still an element of time and resource involved to write the test and continuously maintain them.
  3. Control – where a process or journey relies on external systems/services, these E2E tests are prone to failure due to updates outside of our control.

A Helpful Tool

You may find when writing these tests, it’s difficult to know which element in the DOM tree you should use, especially when you’re spoilt for choice using salesforce-pageobjects library.

UTAM Chrome extension helps highlight which page object / JS method is available on the page you’re viewing. The highlighting is similar to Chrome’s inspect element tool.

UTAM Chrome Extension

Here is a link to the official documentation on how to set up and use the Chrome extension.

UTAM also provides a generator, which allows you to dump in a HTML file and it will attempt to translate this to a JSON page object. This can be super useful to get a skeleton structure on how your page object should look, however, this generator does not take into account the usage of salesforce-pageobjects library.

For further information on UTAM generator, see the official documentation here.

Be Patient!

From my own experience of using UTAM and any E2E testing – patience is key. There will be a lot of trial and error, however, when you get a successful test run, that automation will provide you with more knowledge/experience for writing your next, more complex, test.

A Formula for Success

Formula fields are a great way to derive data using information from the record or related records. You can fall out of love with them because of the dread of updating a long and complex expression and having to understand what each bit does.

In this article, we will talk about some best practices and ways to mitigate against complex formulas. The sections below will guide you through different strategies which can help the future you. This can ultimately help you better understand, maintain and produce more robust and hopefully error-free formulas.

What are Operators?

An operator is an instruction which can manipulate data or apply logic in a specific way to generate a specific result. A full list of operators available to formula fields can be found here.

For example, how do we evaluate ‘Is the country United Kingdom’?

The == operator can help with this expression:
Country__c == ‘United Kingdom’
Now, how can we evaluate ‘Is the country United Kingdom and the county is London?’:

The && operator can help with this expression:
Country__c == ‘United Kingdom’ &amp;&amp; County__c == ‘London’
Symbol and text equivalents

Operators can come with symbol and text equivalents. Below are some examples of these:
'X = Y' is the same as 'X == Y'
'X == NULL' is the same as 'ISBLANK(X)'
'X || Y' is the same as'OR(X, Y)'
(Has_Attended__c &amp;&amp; Is_Active__c) is the same as AND(Has_Attended__c, Is__Active__c)

Why use a common language?

As symbol and text operators are interchangeable, it can often lead to complex/difficult-to-read formulas.

Imagine the following formula field called ‘Ready to Enroll’ which contains the following expression:

IF(Is_Active__c &amp;&amp; OR(Has_Attended__c == TRUE, Is_Exempt__c = TRUE), TRUE, FALSE) &amp;&amp; (Is_Complete__c || Is_Not_Required__c)
A mishmash of operators can lead to difficulty reading and understanding the expression. The above can be written as:

IF(Is_Active__c &amp;&amp; (Has_Attended__c == TRUE || Is_Exempt__c = TRUE), TRUE, FALSE) &amp;&amp; (Is_Complete__c || Is_Not_Required__c)
AND(IF(AND(Is_Active__c, OR(Has_Attended__c == TRUE, Is_Exempt__c = TRUE)), TRUE, FALSE), OR(Is_Complete__c, Is_Not_Required__c))
Having consistent language can help with readability and avoid sudden surprises when updating formula fields.

What are Booleans?

Booleans are a great way to distinguish whether something is true or false. We can further simplify the above example by replacing equal checks on boolean fields. For example, the 2 comparisons below are the same:

  • Has_Attended__c == TRUE
  • Has_Attended__c

Having a descriptive field name here is key.

Taking the symbol and text examples from above, they can be re-written as:

IF(Is_Active__c &amp;&amp; (Has_Attended__c|| Is_Exempt__c), TRUE, FALSE) &amp;&amp; (Is_Complete__c || Is_Not_Required__c)
AND(IF(AND(Is_Active__c, OR(Has_Attended__c, Is_Exempt__c)), TRUE, FALSE), OR(Is_Complete__c, Is_Not_Required__c))
After taking that extra step to simplify those booleans, it’s now clear we don’t even need that IF statement!

IF(X, TRUE, FALSE) is always equivalent to just X, therefore, our further simplified expression will look like this:

Is_Active__c &amp;&amp; (Has_Attended__c || Is_Exempt__c) &amp;&amp; (Is_Complete__c || Is_Not_Required__c)
AND(AND(Is_Active__c, OR(Has_Attended__c, Is_Exempt__c), OR(Is_Complete__c, Is_Not_Required__c))

Making formulas readable

Line breaks and spaces can play a huge role in readability. All the examples above use one line making it difficult to scan the blocks of expressions it’s trying to evaluate.


Is_Active__c &amp;&amp; (Has_Attended__c || Is_Exempt__c)
(Is_Complete__c || Is_Not_Required__c)

        OR(Has_Attended__c, Is_Exempt__c)
    OR(Is_Complete__c, Is_Not_Required__c)

It is now easier to spot each block within the expression.

Break down those monolithic formulas

Splitting your formula field into separate fields can help alleviate complex expressions. The formula we’ve been working on called ‘Ready to Enroll’, so far, requires many fields to achieve this. If we captured fields into their area of concern, we can achieve a level of abstraction, further simplifying our solution.

We can break down(Is_Complete__c || Is_Not_Required__c)to its own field called ‘Can_Enroll__c’

The final expression would look like this:


Is_Active__c &amp;&amp; (Has_Attended__c || Is_Exempt__c)

        OR(Has_Attended__c, Is_Exempt__c)

It is worth noting that referencing formulas fields within another formula should be used with caution. Salesforce applies a 3900-character limit, referencing formula fields without knowing their contents can easily hit this restriction.

Are there any tools that can help?

Salesforce provides out-of-the-box formula editors. These come in 2 flavours, Simple and Advanced. Although these generally do the job, there are tools out there to level up that experience.

Better Salesforce formula editor is a chrome extension which adds a new tab to the formula field editor. It provides syntax and bracket pair highlighting as well as other useful shortcuts/syntax-checking features.

Better Formula Chrome Extension

Not exactly a tool embedded within Salesforce, however, DrCode – Boolean Expressions Calculator takes in an expression and attempts to simplify it. It can be useful for breaking down repeated logic.

DrCode - Expression Calculator

Now it’s your turn

We’ve dived into operators and spoken about having consistent language when writing expressions; simplified expressions by removing specific boolean equality checks; made our expression clearer and more readable by introducing line breaks and better spacing; taken an extra step to break down our formula by separating blocks of expressions into their own concerning field and we’ve introduced tools to help write better, more concise formulas.

We’d love to see which of these combinations you’ve managed to adopt, and how this has transformed your complex, unmanageable formulas. Please share these with us by getting in touch with our team.