How to Report on Pardot Engagement in Salesforce

by Dorottya Dvorak - December 13, 2019
How to Report on Pardot Engagement in Salesforce

“We would like to review the Pardot engagement on our campaigns, how can we do that?”. Working with Pardot customers over the years, this is one of the questions that I hear the most. And now, with the recent updates in Salesforce, we finally have some great solutions to offer.

In the past year, Salesforce introduced the Engagement History functionality as a way to display Pardot engagement metrics in your Salesforce reports. With multiple components and features available, you now have the opportunity to review how your Pardot campaigns have performed and share it with your sales teams. Not sure how to do that? Then this blog post is for you!

How to Start

1) Ensure that the Connected Campaigns functionality is enabled for your Pardot account. When the connection is set, Pardot and Salesforce are able to share any campaign related information. If you need help connecting your campaigns, contact our team to discuss the next steps.

2) Include Engagement History data on your Salesforce campaign, account, lead and contact pages. This functionality will then allow your teams to see prospects activities and an overview of your campaigns performance in Salesforce. Take a look at Sarah’s post about that functionality and ask your Salesforce admin to configure it for you.

Pardot Engagement - Custom report types3) Create new Custom Report Types for your Pardot Engagement metrics. Salesforce recommends to set up 5 report types for engagement, providing data for campaigns, landing pages, forms, links and emails.

With these new reports you will be able to view the performance of Pardot assets in Salesforce, answering questions like:

  • Which paid media campaign generated more submissions?
  • Does the sender affect the performance of sent list emails?
  • How many prospects clicked on the tracked links for a specific campaign?

Pardot Engagement - Reports4) Build your Salesforce reports dedicated to your Pardot campaigns. Start compiling a list of requirements your team need to see, then select the relevant report type and create your report. Include the data you would need and group them by campaign / send date / type – anyway you want it.

However, if you don’t associate your marketing assets to the right campaigns in Pardot, your reports will not show accurate data. Therefore, ensure that your team is selecting the appropriate Pardot campaign during set up.


Need Help?

Don’t hesitate, get in touch with our consultants today and we can help you with the configuration. Start 2020 with your reports ready for successful campaigns.

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