Time to Spring into Action

by Chris Taylor - December 13, 2019
Time to Spring into Action

It’s that time of year again. We may still be in Autumn, running Salesforce Winter. However, Spring’20 is just around the corner.

It is important to be prepared for each release. You can test out new functionality, and check that none of your existing functionality will break.

What is the Preview Window?

During the preview window, certain sandboxes will be upgraded to the new release. This gives you a chance to test before everything goes live.

Sandboxes are divided into two groups: preview and non-preview. If your sandbox is on a designated preview server Spring’20 will be loaded onto it. All other instances will stay on Winter’20 and upgraded later on along with your production instance.

The Sandbox Preview window begins on 3rd January, so you only have a few weeks to make sure you are ready.

Which of my Sandboxes will move to Spring’20?

To find out which of your sandboxes (if any) will move across to Spring’20 check the server that your sandboxes are on, and reference the table below to see if you need to take action or not.


If you are not sure what server your sandboxes are on go into your setup menu, select Sandboxes and look at the Location column.

When will I get Spring’20?Server Status

Spring ’20 will start rolling out from the 8th February, with everybody being on Spring’20 by the 15th February. To find out the exact date that your production instance will move across head over to status.salesforce.com and search for your server.

If you are not sure which server you are on, go into the setup menu, select Company Information and look at your instance.

Release notes are not available yet, so we don’t quite know what new features we have in store for us. However, they will be made available shortly.


If you need any support preparing for the Spring’20 release, please get in touch.

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