Taking Control of Time: Building a Better Relationship with your Working Day

by Kiera Hodgson - July 28, 2023
Taking Control of Time: Building a Better Relationship with your Working Day

Finding effective strategies to manage our time and tasks is more important than ever in our fast-paced and demanding world. Whether you’re a busy professional, consultant, or someone looking for a better work-life balance, mastering the art of time management can be game-changing.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of to-do lists and tactics to help you prepare for the week ahead, define priorities, use your calendar successfully, and embrace self-compassion on your path to increased productivity and success. At Nebula, we keep these tips at the front of our minds when planning our weeks and hope they empower you when planning your working day. 

Importance of To-Do Lists

The humble to-do list is at the heart of good time management. A well-organized to-do list serves as a guidepost, guiding you through your daily tasks and duties. You acquire a sense of control and direction by arranging your ideas and commitments in one location, opening the path for enhanced productivity and efficiency. 

Consider your to-do list a foundation for your tasks. Begin by word-dumbing what you want to do, and then start categorising your job into scalable, straightforward actions. Sometimes getting everything done in a certain timeline is unattainable, so start breaking down the work into smaller, more doable activities to make it more feasible.

Establish Your Priorities

Now that we have a list of things we want to do, it is time to start setting priorities. Not all jobs are created equal, and by distinguishing between urgent, vital, and non-essential tasks, you can more efficiently organise your time and energy. 

Examine your to-do list and begin categorising jobs as ‘quick wins’ or ‘longer tasks’ to help you in establishing priorities. Consider the nature of the task and answer the following questions:

  • Do I need input from others?
  • Is there a deadline for completion?
  • Are there any dependencies?
  • How urgent is the task? (not everything is as urgent as you think)
  • How long will it take?
  • Do I have all the information and resources to complete the task?

The answers to the above questions will assist you in determining the task’s importance. By doing so, you eliminate any potential roadblocks before beginning your day, such as not having all of the necessary information for the work or the availability of others.

Your Calendar Is Your Secret Weapon, Block Out Time to Focus

While to-do lists give a structure for your responsibilities, your calendar is your hidden weapon for properly managing your time. You establish an organised framework for your day by arranging designated blocks of time for certain tasks. Blocking out time for focused work, team-building meetings, and even breaks allows you to have a balanced and effective schedule. By treating these time blocks as sacred appointments with yourself, you cultivate an environment conducive to deep work and meaningful progress.

Top tip: Make your calendar visible to your colleagues so they can see when you’re busy working on tasks and get an indication of your availability. 



Preparing for the week ahead is an important element of effective time management. A few moments on Friday or Monday morning to focus on upcoming objectives and commitments may make a big impact. You may approach the new week with a sense of purpose and preparation by evaluating your to-do list, recognising critical milestones, and mentally preparing for the challenges that lie ahead. This proactive strategy allows you to get started quickly and reduces the chance of feeling overwhelmed by unforeseen events.

Be Kind to Yourself, Not Every Day Is Going to Be the Best Day

Last but not least, be kind to yourself. Not every day will go as planned, and that’s okay. Recognise that errors and unexpected events are a part of both personal and professional life. When things don’t go as planned, be gentle to yourself and practise resilience. Allow yourself some flexibility, change your goals as needed, and realise that little failures do not determine your ultimate success. Practising self-compassion promotes a healthy perspective and allows you to bounce back stronger.

By understanding the importance of to-do lists, preparing for the week ahead, establishing priorities, utilizing your calendar effectively, and practising self-compassion, you can transform your approach to time management. Using these tactics allows you to take control of your schedule, increase your productivity, and achieve a greater feeling of balance and fulfilment in your professional and personal life. So, let’s embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of effective time management.

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