Pardot Winter ‘19 Release: Engagement Studio

by Dorottya Dvorak - October 18, 2018
Pardot Winter ‘19 Release: Engagement Studio

This week, the Pardot Winter ‘19 release brought us major changes on how we work with Engagement Studio.

Four new features have been rolled out that will improve the building, executing and reporting activities of your nurture programs – see them below.


1. Copy and paste program steps

Pardot Winter '19 Release

Before I introduce this feature I wanted to raise your attention to the redesign of available steps in Engagement Studio. Pardot now refers to the actions/triggers/rules as elements of your program, and applied a cleaner design on the dialogs.

On the available elements you can now replicate existing actions, triggers or rules in your program with a few clicks. How is that possible? See video below:

As a result, you no longer need to manually add the same set of elements to the individual stages of the program. Instead you need to select which exact email, list, user or any other asset you’d like to include.

Watch out! Up to 10 steps can be copied and pasted at the same time. Therefore if you’d like to replicate more steps you would need to action this process multiple times.


2. Implement Repeating Programs

Pardot Winter '19 Release

With this new feature your prospects could run through the same nurture program multiple times: once they have reached the end they will re-enter at the top. This could be quite useful for service renewal or reactivation campaigns among others, where you are targeting inactive prospects.

Before you enable this feature on your nurture programs, there are some information you should be aware of:

  • You can have 10 repeatable programs per account
  • Once enabled and the program started, the repeatable function can’t be undone (although the specific settings can be changed)
  • Prospects can re-enter after a set number of days (up to 365 days)
  • Prospects can be limited to re-enter a set number of times or an unlimited number of times
  • You can enable the repeatable feature for programs that have already run by pausing and editing program
  • Reporting at each step will show total prospects, including the same prospects that have run through a step multiple times
  • If you pause, change the settings and resume, the program honors the new settings for prospects that are already working through the automation


3. Filter by date in the Reporting tab

Pardot Winter '19 Release

You wanted to see how your nurture program performed last month, but you couldn’t get the data right? You are in luck, as Pardot released an additional reporting tool that allows you to view the performance data of a set time period.

With this feature you could look at how the performance of your program is changing over time. Think of this as a great opportunity to review the logic of your program and also optimise your included content.


4. Customize permissions

Pardot Winter '19 Release

Pardot users can use nurture programs for many things, such as event promotion, reactivation or lead nurturing campaigns. However, based on the goal and extent of your program, you might feel that you need to restrict your users access.

With this new feature, Pardot Admins can select which custom user roles should have the permission to start, pause and resume an Engagement Studio.

Watch out! Custom user roles are only available in Ultimate Edition, or as an add-on in the other editions.


We are really excited to implement these new features on our own and our customers accounts, and can’t wait to see what else Pardot is planning to roll out in the new year.

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