Trigger External Actions from Engagement Studio

by Paul Kissick - September 22, 2022
Trigger External Actions from Engagement Studio

You may have seen that in the Winter’23 Release, you will be able to take action on prospects outside of Account Engagement. This is really exciting news for marketers that have disparate systems. We were lucky enough to pilot this feature over the summer, read on to find out how it went.


We’d recommend having a Salesforce Developer and Administrator on board to get this set up in your Org. As most of the setup of this feature is done inside of Salesforce.

First, we needed to create an Apex Invocable Action. This is what will actually do the action we’d like to trigger from Account Engagement.

If you aren’t familiar with Invocable Actions, these define the parameters available when adding this action into the Engagement Studio Program in Account Engagement. For example, the Prospect Email Address, Salesforce Id, any other Prospect field, or specific text, e.g. a Survey Name.

Next, we add this action to a Marketing App Extension. The Business Unit Assignment must also be configured for that Extension, and the Active in Automations checkbox must be ticked.

Marketing App Extension with Action

Using External Actions in Engagement Studio

Now we can use the action in Engagement Studio. If you have parameters for the action set, you can insert these here:

Then, you can use External Activities as triggers throughout the program, to review if Prospects have taken an action. This provides the opportunity to create really personalised and targeted journeys for Prospects.

Do you need some support with Marketing App Extensions for Account Engagement? Get in touch.


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