Summer ’23 Release – Our Salesforce Hot Picks

by Lucy Fernando - May 15, 2023
Summer ’23 Release – Our Salesforce Hot Picks


Summer is just around the corner and with it comes the Summer ’23 release notes. Our Salesforce team has put together their favourite new features. Take a look at what we’re looking forward to seeing in Salesforce.

In-App Guidance Targeted Prompts on Record Fields

You can now target any field on a record page, dynamic form, or the Create window in a targeted prompt that you create with In-App Guidance Builder. Previously Targeted Prompts only allowed us to select a specific component on a page – Batoul


Unified Analytics Home

You can save time and energy sorting through pages of analytics dashboards, Salesforce reports, and dashboards. All of these can be found on the redesigned Analytics tab. Users can search, browse, and organise as needed – Jiri


Align Fields Horizontally

This allows us to keep the dynamic form fields layout a lot neater when there is a gap due to the field height difference. I’ve been working with a customer who is moving over to dynamic fields and one of their issues is with how fields don’t align neatly – Josh


Nick Clark
Commercial Director

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Log Emails Sent with the Send Email Action

I use the UnofficialSF component for Sending emails a lot and this is one of the main reasons, so it’s great that this is being released as standard – Callum


Quick Actions on Related Lists

You can add quick actions on related lists (Beta), which means you can declutter the number of actions in the highlights panel, and you can also mass update up to 100 records instead of doing single record updates. This helps keep the pages nice and tidy, and also saves users a lot of time: win win – Snaz


Choice Lookups in Flow are Generally Available

The Choice Lookup component in Flow is now generally available. You can use Choice Lookup to allow users to navigate a set of choices easier – this is particularly helpful when working with large sets of choices as users will be able to simply search for what they’re looking for, as opposed to scrolling through a massive list – Lahcen


Rename Columns in Lenses with Ease

I have had customers who have asked me to change the name of a column from “Full Name” to “Opportunity Owner”, or something similar. Previously this could either be done at a dataset level, or by editing the SOQL query. This simple feature will make this easier to do, as well as provide a way for users to do this themselves – Fletcher


Assess the Health of Your Sales Forecasts with Built-In Charts

Collaborative forecasting has undergone significant changes in recent years. With the introduction of built-in charts, sales leaders can easily identify trends in their pipeline and notice changes that may not be apparent in the grid view. If you haven’t started using collaborative forecasting yet, now is a great time to consider it – Chris

Forecast Changes chart


To find out when the release will be available in your org, check out the Maintenance Calendar. Don’t forget to let us know what you are looking forward to in the Summer ’23 Release!

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