Mastering the Move: Salesforce to Flow Transition Tips

by Snazek Beydoun - April 02, 2024
Mastering the Move: Salesforce to Flow Transition Tips

Salesforce Flows are a type of Declarative Automation that allows you to automate complex business processes using clicks, not code. As you may have already heard, Salesforce has disabled the creation of new workflow rules (WFR) and process builders (PB) and are encouraging users to use flows instead – the new automation tool that will completely replace PB’s and WFR’s in 2025.

In this blog post, we’ll explore essential tips to help you when migrating your existing automation to Flow.

The Importance of Migrating to Flow:

As mentioned above, the deadline to have all existing declarative automation moved across will be in 2025 (Specific Date TBC by Salesforce). And even though the deadline may seem far away, if you currently have a large amount of automation in place, you should give yourself enough time to migrate these across to avoid causing any disruption.

My top tips for getting started:

Backup Your Data:

Before making any major changes, ensure you have a reliable backup of your Salesforce data. This precautionary step ensures that you can quickly restore your system to its previous state in case of unexpected issues during the migration.

Map Out Current Automation

My first tip when migrating to flow is to map out all of your current automation in place. You should map out any existing flows, process builders, and workflow rules step by step. This allows you to review exactly what each piece of automation is doing and determine if you still need it.

Using a diagramming tool will make things a lot easier when doing this. A firm favourite here at Nebula is LucidChart.

Nick Clark
Commercial Director

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Delete and Consolidate

Once you have mapped out all active automation in your org, now is the time to review this and see where things can be deleted or consolidated into the same flow. This will help keep your org tidy and save you time from migrating things that are no longer needed.

Build in Sandboxes

When the time comes to build these new flows, my recommendation is to do this in a sandbox environment first. You want to be able to deactivate the workflow rules and process builders and activate your flow for testing. To do this with minimal disruption to the org, use a sandbox first!


As part of this project, you will want to test all of the new flows, to make sure they are working as expected. This avoids any surprises of automation not working when you deploy into production! 

Deployment Plan

When it comes to deploying your new flows, depending on how many there are, I would recommend doing this using an object by object approach to make the deployment as smooth as possible. Start with migrating one object, activating the new flows and making sure the old automation is deactivated. Then when you are happy that there are no issues, move on to the next!


Migrating to Salesforce Flow is a significant step toward a more efficient and user-friendly automation environment. By following these essential tips, you can navigate the migration process with confidence, ensuring a successful transition that empowers your team and maximises the benefits of Salesforce Flow.


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