What can we learn from a Cockatoo?

by Nicola Hodd - December 01, 2017
What can we learn from a Cockatoo?

These very entertaining cockatoo YouTube channels go to show that you don’t need to be a marketing expert to grow your audiences on social. But what they do prove is that consistent, quality, entertaining and relevant content wins.

We can all learn from these channels to engage with our audiences in more creative ways. With so much content out there we need to work harder to create content that both attracts and engages our potential customers in order to cut through the noise.

Find out what you can learn from these Cockatoo’s shenanigans as Search Engine Journal translate them into 5 Content Marketing Lessons.


What’s interesting is that these cockatoo owners aren’t marketers. They’re just ordinary people who applied time-tested and proven concepts to grow their audience.

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