New Starter – Serena Kelly

by Lucy Fernando - April 11, 2023
New Starter – Serena Kelly

Serena joined in March as an Account Manager, read on to find out more!

What’s your name and what do you do at Nebula?

My name is Serena Kelly and I’m an Account Manager.


Describe yourself in three words.

Inquisitive, friendly & loyal.


If I’m not at my desk I’m __________.

Running, yoga, walking in nature, gardening (the new rock and roll!!) music festivals and travelling.


Tell us your favourite can, crisps and chocolate.

Fanta, salt, vinegar or pickled onion Monster Munch, and any dark chocolate.


My favourite thing about Nebula (so far!)

Everyone has been so friendly, welcoming and really helpful.



Do you want to join our growing team? Have a look for your next role here!

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