New Starter – Lahcen Atik

by Kathryn Manzai - November 26, 2021
New Starter – Lahcen Atik

This is Lahcen and he joined in September 2021. Read on to find out more!

What’s your name and what do you do at Nebula?

Lahcen, and I am a Salesforce Delivery Consultant.

Lahcen, describe yourself in three words.

Integrity, Curiosity, Gratefulness.

If I’m not at my desk I’m __________.

Learning. I love learning new things every day. That could be reading books or going on trailhead etc. I also enjoy spending quality time with my daughter.

Tell us your favourite can, crisps and chocolate.

My favourite can would be Fanta Lemon, my favourite crisps would be Salt and Vinegar, and chocolate would be Lindt Milk Les Grandes Halzelnut.

My favourite thing about Nebula (so far!)

The Team is so nice. It is like being part of a family.


Say hello to Lahcen when you’re working with him! And find out about the rest of our team here.

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