Author: Josh Tappin

5 Tips When Implementing Salesforce Sales Cloud

So, you have finally decided to take the plunge and move away from your tired, complicated spreadsheets or your rigid, unforgiving CRM system. Great – Welcome to the world of Salesforce.

Implementing a Salesforce Sales Cloud instance or customizing and adapting is no easy task and shouldn’t be taken lightly. You should be looking to create a scalable system. So that when the business does grow, you don’t have to revisit and re-configure your existing functionality. Unless you are familiar with building Salesforce solutions then we would always recommend using a Partner to help you with this part as the scalability of the system is one of the key pieces to get correct – the first time around.

In this blog, I will hand over my 5 best tips that any business should take on board before making any moves inside the system based on previous projects and personal experience.

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